Being a beginner with horses, and coming from new England, I was apprehensive about flying to Wyoming to work on my PTSD with mustangs.

That was until I started a dialogue with Matson Tew. After several conversations, I decided to trust the process that the team at At Ease described. I opted for a five-day concentrated program that Matson outlined for me. It included horsemanship, Hapkido, ongoing dialogue, and support from the extended At-Ease community. Matson has developed a unique style using a mustang, which allows you to develop a relationship using natural horsemanship. This lets you communicate with the mustang at your own pace, facilitated by Matson. I felt challenged working with a mustang – at the same time I felt safe to make mistakes and grow every day. Each morning began at the “office,” where we reflected on the ongoing process, and reviewed itinerary for the day. I can’t say it enough or find a way to express my gratitude to what I would now call my At-Ease family. I left Wyoming with a better understanding of how to manage my PTSD thanks to the mustang Three Socks, who I had the privilege of working with for five days. He taught me how to move at the “speed of trust,” which Matson often said, and which I now understand.



hap-“together, joined” + ki “breath, energy” + do “way, art”
It Begins with a Deep Breathe

When initially being introduced to Hapkido I thought, “What does this have to do with inner strength and mental balance?”  Well, I quickly discovered that taking that deep breathe is critically important to keeping my inner strength and mental balance.

Through learning the techniques taught to me by Tom Bernard I felt stronger after each session and took that strength into my day to day living.  I was sorry to see each session end as I thought I could learn so much more and didn’t want the session to end. 
Having the knowledge that if I had to use the techniques taught to me or that I could muster them up should I be in a position to have to use them, has given me the inner strength and mental balance to face each day. 

I take those deep breathes every morning before I leave the house. It is an important part of my daily routine. Those deep breathes give me the energy, focus and balance to face the day ahead. 
Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this amazing program. I carry with me the lessons I have learned and strive to convey those lessons in my every day.”