When I was asked to participate in the At Ease Horsemanship Program, I had no idea what to expect. I felt that I was not the appropriate candidate, that maybe there was someone else that needed this opportunity more than I did.
After the initial interview I had a better idea of what the program is about. I was honored to be asked to participate in the program and I took it very seriously.
After my first session I quickly remembered a phrase that I learned early in my AF career. “We all have baggage. As we go through our childhood, adulthood and if we are fortunate enough parenthood, it is with us. It is how we carry ourselves as individuals with that “baggage” that sets the tone of our character.”
I was fortunate to have an amazing mother. Through her example I realized that strength and commitment in my everyday life was what was going to work for me. She set the bar pretty high. I enlisted in the Air Force as a way of finding some direction. I realized I needed boundaries, direction and discipline.
I have seen some horrific things as a deployed aircrew member. Some things I remember now in a flash with a simple smell or a sound. Those things do not define me though. I was trained by the best, to be the best at what I was given a great blessing to do with my career in the military.
This program has reminded me that we all have to live with what we do, and that situational awareness is more than your physical situation, but also your mental awareness and how you carry yourself. Trusting an animal or another person takes courage. There were times when I felt raw and exposed while at the same time feeling strong and accomplished.
Patience has never been a strong suit of mine. Focusing on having patience at times was exhausting. I had to remember that I was not on the back of a military aircraft with a checklist in my hand going from one task to the next. I was forced to take a deep breathe, slow down and remember that I was facing a mustang that I was asking to trust me. I would think, if I approached myself like this would I trust me. Not likely.
During my military career as an instructor and examiner I was told I was intimidating or instilled fear. I learned quickly that body language was key, this program gave me the opportunity to focus on my inner self, to give myself peace with what I have seen in my life and to remember that I am not in this thing called life alone.
At the beginning of each session, I was asked what I most wanted to work on or was there something I felt needed more attention/focus. These discussions before each session were key to each and every interaction with the mustang. The discussions helped put me at ease and gave me the tasks to home in on when interacting with the mustang.
Through working in this program, I was reminded that how we carry ourselves with simple hand gestures or body language we set a tone or expectation that we maybe don’t mean to display.
This program has evoked in me that we all have “baggage”, and we must remember and respect that others do too.
Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this amazing program. I carry with me the lessons I have learned and strive to convey those lessons in my every day.