Being a beginner with horses, and coming from New England, I was apprehensive about flying to Wyoming to work on my PTSD with mustangs. That was until I started a dialogue with Matson Tew. After several conversations, I decided to trust the process that the team at At Ease described. I opted for a five-day concentrated program that Matson outlined for me.
Air Force Master Sergeant
“At the beginning of each session, I was asked what I most wanted to work on or was there something I felt needed more attention/focus. These discussions before each session were key to each and every interaction with the mustang. The discussions helped put me at ease and gave me the tasks to home in on when interacting with the mustang. “
“Initially when I began to learn about horsemanship it was because I wanted to overcome my fears. But there was an unexpected treasure in process of overcoming my fears. In developing an actual relationship with a horse, which previously I was too afraid to do, gave me a greater understanding of my relationship with myself and other people. I certainly now better understand body language and unspoken communication better now than before. And when I say the relationship with a horse it’s a bit short of the definition because it’s a willingness between two creatures that transcends verbal understanding. I get a great sense of joy out of it. I feel better about me around horses than I do at any other time.”
“It’s been a difficult road back to civilian life. I struggle to relate to most people. But the wild mustang is a prey animal. Always alert. Looking for danger. Looking for exits, just like me. When I went into the military I did my job. I was very confident with myself, my abilities, my job. When I got injured and came back, tried to be a civilian, I just failed. So, I got really low in my self-confidence, my ability to interact with people and ability to work through situations.
This experience with mustangs has brought me back up to where I was when I joined. I am more confident; I can go into different situations and deal with people, and I am lot more chill when I go out into public now. “
US Army, Field Artilleryman
“My time with the At Ease program has been a learning experience and an opportunity to understand and control my emotions. I must bring myself down a couple levels and really must think about my demons. I just set aside my anxiety and any other stuff that just needs to be set aside. It is learning how to control the rage and the explosive anger. My work with the mustang, is another tool that’s going in my belt bag for that reason.
I’d been around horses. I didn’t think there was anything new you could show me. But I have walked away with new coping skills that I have put into practice in my everyday life.”
The At-ease program was/is a great experience. I feel knowing you before the program helped me be more vulnerable with our conversations. Having Lars as a partner was awesome and allowed us to help each other.
Working with 3 Socks was a challenge, but it helped me learn that how I perceive myself and how I react might not always be in sync and he could pick that up. It was enlightening to see how I could allow myself to soften my reactions to get him to cooperate with me.
I look forward to watching this program grow and will share it with my fellow vets!
As a symbolic icon of the West, the American Mustang is ideal for those navigating trauma towards trust, acceptance, and deep partnership.
Read first hand experiences and testimonies from our clients about the transformative powers of Equine Therapy.
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Discussion with
Dry Creek Dewayne
I’m very glad to be able to introduce you to Matson Tew of At Ease Horsemanship. Matson has been working hard to get this worthy project going. At Ease Horsemanship is helping people that are struggling with PTSD using equine therapy, and mustangs exclusively. As the father of two military sons myself, and having served as a LEO, this project and others like it are very important to me.